Saturday 3 January 2015

Witty Answers To Silly Interview Questions

The way job seekers or applicants are interviewed presently  is at least fifty years behind the times.
When we call a plumber to come over and say, fix our sink or bad plumbing we say “How much do you charge ?”

We don’t ask the plumber “ As a plumber what is your greatest weakness"..LOL

The plumber would slam the phone down and hang up if we did that. It’s insulting to ask people stupid questions like “With all the talented candidates, why should we hire you?” and “What’s your greatest weakness?”

Why do we see the insult in those questions when we’re talking to plumbers, but not when we’re talking to job-seekers?

All of us are professionals, and all of us are adults. We don’t need to be addressed like children.

Most people in corporate and institutional life have been force-fed gallons of toxic zobo over the years. We believe that the employer is mighty and the poor little job-seeker is an ant. The job-seeker has to grovel and beg for the job. We don’t see how ridiculous that is.

The more marketable and confident a job-seeker is, the less likely he or she will be to bow and scrape and turn cartwheels to impress a hiring manager. Why would we ask anyone to do that?

STUPID QUESTION NUMBER ONE: With all the talented job candidates, why should we hire you?

Standard sheepie answer: Because I’m smart, and hard-working, and I walk old ladies across the street.

Non-standard Human Workplace answer: That’s a great question! I think that’s really the point of this interview, to figure that out. I obviously haven’t met the other candidates and you have, or you will meet them, and on top of that you’re the expert on this job and this culture. In all honesty I can’t say that you should hire me. It wouldn’t be responsible of me to make that logical leap. I can only say that if you and I are meant to work together, I’m sure we’ll both figure it out.

STUPID QUESTION NUMBER TWO: What’s your greatest weakness?

Standard sheepie answer: I can be a perfectionist at times, and be too hard on myself — plus I find it hard to stop working!

Non-standard Human Workplace answer: I used to think I had weaknesses, in the sense that there were things I didn’t do well but I felt I needed to improve on. Gradually it occurred to me that the things I do well are the only things I should focus on, because there’s no benefit to getting one or two percent better at things that don’t interest me. That’s why I leave alone certain things [Excel spreadsheets for instance, or graphic design] and focus on what I love to do and what I’m good at – like [making souffles and conducting symphonies]. That’s a much more sensible use of energy, in my view!

STUPID QUESTION NUMBER THREE:  Where do you see yourself in five years?

Standard sheepie answer: Working here if I’m lucky, perhaps in a more senior role.

Non-standard Human Workplace answer: Life moves so fast these days and there is so much uncertainty, I don’t make long-term plans that might limit my options. That being said, I’m passionate about [your present passion] and I’m sure I’ll be busy pursuing one of my passions five years from now, if I’m still on the planet. What about you?

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