Tuesday 17 February 2015

Main Chick Vs Side Chick

History has shown us that men like women. Sometimes men like different types of women. And sometimes men like to have different types women at the same time. Hence the deep rooted culture of polygamy in the history of men and women. The bible can corroborate this fact;King David,King Solomon(oga @ the top). We like to refer to the two different roles of women as the Main Chick and the Side chick.The question that sums up this whole situation is one i heard from a friend "Are you your boo's boo"??. ;)

Main Chick:

The public figure. She gets most of the public credit for being the significant other. Most of the time honesty is held from her and she doesn’t know that her man has side chicks. Sometimes she does, and conforms to this role as a main woman while knowing her man as other woman on the side. She stays within the context of the role to preserve her man’s image for society, family, friends and culture. Her silence is golden to keep the image her man wants for himself. She is the significant other in her own eyes and in the eyes of others. But is she really significant in her man’s eyes? 

Side Chick:

The hidden significant other. She is still significant because she fulfills a man’s needs and brings satisfaction to a man. The need is real and has a long history because as we all know, prostitution is the oldest job in the history of women. The side chick has many similarities to the main chick, because just like the main chick, she is a consistent figure. There is a relationship between the man and the side chick. There is a give and take and a mutual connection and the relationship they share. It may not be legitimized by a title like the main chick, but the relationship is real and highly significant. Arguable even more so then the main chick because the man depends on this woman’s maintained secrecy. The side chick is usually aware that she is the side chick, so the man has more to loose with the side chick, If the side chick chooses to reveal herself, she has the power to ruin a man’s life and reputation. The side chick has more power than we tend to think of. Just like the main chick, the man depends on the side chick’s silence to keep his image to society.


It seems as though many aspects of a woman’s life is controlled by men, even in mutual relationships. Whether you are the main chick or the side side, your relationship may be manipulated by the man. Its time for women to step up and get what they really want from a relationship with a man: Honesty, Integrity and Loyalty. Most women want to be the One and Only. Men, is that really possible? If so, women, don’t settle for anything other than that. Its time to give priority to your wants and needs from a relationship with a man!

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