Saturday 31 January 2015


This is one of the SADDEST stories ever told in Hollywood. His name is Sylvester Stallone. One of the BIGGEST and Most famous American Movie superstars. Back in the day,Stallone was a struggling actor in every definition. At some point,he got so broke that he stole his wife’s jewelry and sold it. Things got so bad that he ended up homeless.He even acted in a soft core porn movie .He slept at the New York bus station for 3 days. Unable to pay rent or afford food. His lowest point came when he tried to sell his dog at the liquor store to any stranger. He didn't have money to feed the dog anymore. He sold it at $25 only. He says he walked away crying.

Two weeks later,he saw a boxing match between Mohammed Ali and Chuck Wepner and that match gave him the inspiration to write the script for the famous movie,ROCKY. He wrote the script for 20 hours! He tried to sell it and got an offer for $125,000 for the script. But he had just ONE REQUEST. He wanted to Starr in the movie. He wanted to be the MAIN ACTOR. Rocky himself. But the studio said NO. They wanted a REAL STAR.

They said he “Looked funny and talked funny”. He left with his script. A few weeks later,the studio offered him $250,000 for the script. He refused. They even offered $350,000. He still refused. They wanted his movie. But NOT him. He said NO. He had to be IN THAT MOVIE.

After a while,the studio agreed,gave him $35,000 for the script and let him star in it! The rest is history! The movie won Best Picture,Best Directing and Best Film Editing at the prestigious Oscar Awards. He was even nominated for BEST ACTOR! The Movie ROCKY was even inducted into the American National Film Registry as one of the greatest movies ever!

And do You know the first thing he bought with the $35,000? THE DOG HE SOLD. Stallone LOVED HIS DOG SO MUCH that he stood at the liquor store for 3 days waiting for the man he sold his dog to. And on the 3rd day,he saw the man coming with the dog. Stallone explained why he sold the dog and begged for the dog back. The man refused. Stallone offered him $100. The man refused. He offered him $500. And the guy refused even $1000. Stallone had to pay $15,000 for the same,same dog he sold at $25 only! And he finally got his dog back!

And today,the same Stallone who slept in the streets and sold his dog JUST BECAUSE he couldn’t even feed it anymore,is one of the GREATEST Movie Stars who ever walked the Earth!

Being broke is BAD. Really BAD. Have You ever had a dream? A wonderful dream? But You are too broke to implement it? Too tiny to do it? Too small to accomplish it?.
Life is tough. Opportunities will pass you by,just because you are a NOBODY. People will want your products but NOT YOU. Its a tough world. If you aren't famous,or rich or “connected”,You will find it rough. Doors will be shut on You. People will steal your glory and crash your hopes.You will push and push. And yet NOTHING WILL HAPPEN.

It happens. Yes,it does.

You,Keep Dreaming. Even when they crush your hopes, Keep Dreaming. Even when they turn you away,Keep Dreaming. Even when they shut you down,Keep Dreaming.

NO ONE KNOWS WHAT YOU ARE CAPABLE OF EXCEPT YOURSELF! People will judge You by HOW you look. And by WHAT You have.But please, Fight on!. Fight for your glory. NEVER EVER GIVE UP!

Keep Up the Fight. Keep your dreams and hope alive.

Thursday 29 January 2015


The voting fever is pitch high so i decided to bring something on a lighter note for everyone to vote on.Lets try and settle this argument of whose area is the best.You can vote as many times as you want ;)..
Polls will close in one week!


9 Things That will Keep Your Relationship Happy And Healthy

9 Ways to Keep Your Relationship Happy And Healthy
Being in a relationship isn’t easy, but healthy couples know how to take the ups and downs; how to weather the storm. Learn from the experts, with these ten ways to keep your relationship happy and healthy. 

1. Exercise Together
Psychology Today cites several studies that report that the symptoms of physiological arousal (the type of high you get from exercise) mimic the effects of sexual and romantic arousal. If you work out together, you will feel sexy, and in love!.You wont only be healthier ,you would be happier!
2. Never Go to Bed Angry 
There is an old saying, “never go to bed angry”. But is half-past midnight really the time to discuss a problem? If you have a disagreement in the evening, do not discuss things if you are both tired. Set a time to talk the following day, say goodnight, and sleep on it. Things will be much clearer in the morning.
3. Laugh
Laughter is said to be the medicine,it relaxes the whole body, boosts the immune system and releases endorphin.So, even if you and your loved one are both having a hard day, try smiling and laughing for no reason at all. The physical act of laughing will make you happier and healthier.

4. Travel Together
A trip together  can be energizing for a relationship, but so can traveling separately! Many happy, healthy couples take their own short trips away with a social group. Being alone, meeting new friends, or enjoying adventures without your partner can be very empowering. Ultimately, you will return to your partner energized, enthusiastic- and more in love than ever.

5. Communicate Openly
Research shows that communication style is more important than commitment levels, personality traits or stress in predicting which couples will stay happy. Healthy couples don’t avoid conflict, but they do know how to keep the lines of communication open. Happy couples know that the best conversations happen without the distraction of phones, tablets and laptops and social media;)

6. Eat together
Families that eat together, stay together. The supper table is a place for couples and their family members to connect and to receive nourishment – both physical and spiritual. Eating healthy food together at a table will not only encourage good family nutrition, but provides a regular, sacred space for conversation and laughter.

7. Switch roles once in a while
Boredom and routine can make a relationship stagnant.if she always cooks, why not suggest a few meals prepared by him? Switching roles will not only mix things up a little- it may make you appreciate things from your partner’s perspective. It goes without saying that switching roles in the bedroom can spice up a relationship. If your partner usually initiates sex, maybe it’s your turn!

8.Don’t Forget the Small Things
Saying please and thank you shouldn't be reserved for the company. Manners are important – even with the person you've been with for a long time. Extend the same respect to your spouse as you would to a visiting guest. Say please and thank you, make polite conversation and why not offer your partner a drink? A few manners and niceties will go a long way to maintaining a culture of mutual respect.
9. Celebrate Milestones
When you celebrate milestones you are able to keep track of all the wonderful things that has happened and excited to push the boundaries together to achieve more.Like a simple one year anniversary would become a two year anniversary!

Monday 26 January 2015

Top 10 energy efficient countries in the world

The price of a barrel of oil had dropped to $45.71, something financial experts had absolutely no reason to anticipate. However, even as oil prices continue to bottom out, the overall trend is to move towards energy efficiency, including alternative means of energy. Many countries have done much to ensure that their energy costs remain unaffected by the overall cost of oil. In fact, by many measures, an economy’s level of energy efficiency is a strong indicator of its willingness to modernize.Below is a list of the most energy efficient economies in the world.

1. Germany

When speaking of Germany, it is not uncommon to hear the phrase “German efficiency.” Therefore, it is not surprising to find Germany on top of this list. According to a recent study put out by the American Council For An Energy Efficient Economy, Germany was the best country overall for energy efficiency, scoring high in multiple categories for a total score of 65 points out of 100 on their study.
2. Ireland

While Ireland’s economy is based mostly on the service and IT sectors, the Land Of The Leprechaun did come in as sufficiently green. Ireland has reduced its carbon emission by 15% per year for the last several years.

3. Denmark
Denmark has a population about half the size of New York City, but, even still, its energy usage is remarkably low. Each Dane consumes about half as much energy as each American, and that does not have to do with the difference between alternating current and direct current.
4. United Kingdom
The United Kingdom recently vowed to cut carbon emissions by a whopping 80% before the year 2050. And, in addition, the country’s main business, its financial sector, uses very little energy anyway.
5. Norway
Norway derives almost all of its energy from sustainably green hydroelectric damns and would be much higher on this list if not for its incredibly high per capita consumption of energy, which my be caused by its cold climate.
6. France
Forward-thinking France does much to encourage energy efficiency within its borders. Besides offering major tax credits for energy efficient businesses, the industrial and transport sectors of the French economy have increased their efficiency by 19% and 12% respectively.
7. Austria
Austria does a lot to ensure that it is relatively energy-efficient. About 23% of its energy reserves come from renewable sources, an astonishingly high figure.
8. Italy
Italy made it on this list by scoring very high on the energy efficient aspects of its transportation industry. However, Italy’s industrial sector has lost major ground in energy efficiency, suffering a drop of nearly 25% recently, which accounts for their relatively low ranking.
9. Mexico
Although it is by no means a leader in green initiatives, Mexico’s young economy has shown much promise in increasing its energy efficiency. Many large initiatives are being undertaken to make Mexico among the most energy-efficient countries. As Mexico continues to grow, it is likely they will move up these rankings.
10. Australia
The Land Down Under makes it onto this list, but just barely. Although Australia has made considerable strides in ensuring energy efficiency in its building construction, its transportation is a major cause of pollution. Couple that with a recent repeal of a carbon tax. and Australia is actually sliding downward.

Sunday 25 January 2015

Re-Commissioning of Unit ST-06 at Egbin Power Plc

The Sahara Power/KPECO partnership has brought Egbin plant to a new level of professionalism innovation and continuing investment in new technology.The unit 6 which was to be commissioned had been non-operational for about 10 yrs which the minister of power attributed to the inability of the previous administration to inject funds into the thermal station. 
The unit was supposed to be commissioned by his excellency Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan GCFR but due to unforeseen circumstances he wasn't able to attended.
The Minister of power, Prof Chinedu Nebo said that the unit which was to be commissioned would add 220MW to the national grid ,he said this while announcing a shift in the re-commissioning ceremony at the Egbin thermal plant.
"What we have added newly to this plant is so huge that it is the president himself can tell the nation"

The rehabilitation of Unit 6 was completed on 20th Dec 2014. Run up activities for ST-06 started on 22nd December 2014 and initial synchronization of the unit was achieved on 16th Jan 2015.
The CEO of Egbin Power Plc, Engr Mike Ilo Uzoigwe said that the plant's capacity is 1320MW" What we have achieved here at Egbin is available capacity of 1320MW. Any day we have gas that will support that amount load that power will come out. But the important thing is that we have the capacity to go to 1320MW if need be right now".
 Some pictures at the event.

Friday 23 January 2015

Whatsapp Now on PC

There are over 600 million people on WhatsApp and there's  good news for them!!
There’s now a desktop version.
It’s a web app rather than a native client — and for now, at least, it seems to only play friendly with Google Chrome.

But if you’re ready to dive in, you can find the new web-ready version of WhatsApp right over here…

NB: You to log in on the desktop, you have to take a picture of a QR code through WhatsApp on your phone. This is necessary, presumably, because WhatsApp uses your phone number and SMS verifications rather than usernames/passwords. This currently works on Android, Windows Phone, and BlackBerry… but “due to Apple platform limitations” (WhatsApp’s words, there — we’re not sure what limitations they mean), iOS users are left out in the cold.

You need to keep your phone charged to be able to use WhatsApp on the desktop. A battery indicator pops up on screen when your phone is about to run out of battery. When your phone switches off, you can no longer use WhatsApp on your PC so keep those phones charged and start using the PC to stay connected with family and friends anywhere in the world.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

20 Things that will make your CV Stand Out

In Nigeria where the available jobs out number the job applicants by a huge margin,the ability to stand out just with your CV can be the tie breaker you need to land that job
If you were faced with a stack of CVs what would you want? The ability to download all the info into your brain, the way that Neo from The Matrix gets plugged in and learns Kung Fu in about ten seconds?

Unfortutely it doesn’t really work like that. In fact, research shows that recruiters take only 30seconds to make their initial judgement on a CV. If your CV is screened by a computer first, it may not even get that far. These are the 20 things you can do to improve your chances

1. Make sure your CV is tailored to the job you are applying for
Generic CV may be quick to submit, but far less effective. Better one excellent job application than three shoddy ones.
Researching the cultural norms of the organization is worthwhile. For example, within one industry some will value experience but not care much about education, while others care about your qualifications.

2. Only apply if you meet the job criteria
Don’t waste your time or the recruiter’s applying for jobs if you don’t meet their criteria. If you still want that job, go and expand your skill set before trying again in future.

3. Don’t lie
Even if you get through the first screening, lying about or exaggerating your accomplishments is likely to come back to bite you. Recovering from the loss of trust is hard.

4. Add keywords
After writing the résumé, check it for keywords from the job description.
Keywords are gifts to you from the employer. Add them into the existing text so they flow naturally. This will help your résumé get past screening software, and recruiters who are accustomed to searching quickly for these keywords.

5. Structure your CV carefully
It is easiest for the recruiter if your key skills and background are summarised at the top. Make sure your current and most recent previous role are on the first page.
Your education and qualifications are generally less important than your professional experience, so put these later.

6. Show how your most recent two jobs are relevant
Recruiters will spend 80% of their time on your name, the company, job title, start and end dates for your current and previous companies, and finally your education.
If you are changing direction in your career, you will need to work even harder to draw out the skills and networks you are bringing from these last two jobs.

7. Keep the CV short
Remember the recruiter will scan your CV in seconds. Including your school paper round or even lengthy details of your first job out of college is not something a recruiter will thank you for (unless, of course, you are applying for your second job out of school).HAHAHAHAHA

8. Demonstrate progress
Show the recruiter that your career makes sense. Tell a story which shows promotions and additional responsibilities as you delivered value to your employer.

9. Provide proof
Qualify your results wherever possible. Beating your targets, raising finance, cutting costs, making great sales all provide convincing and easily digested data which demonstrate your achievements. Social proof such as promotions and customer feedback are also worthwhile.

10. Show you are a rounded person
Include personal projects, sports or voluntary work that you participate in, but be aware if they are activities which might stereotype you or turn an employer off.

11. Give a good reason for leaving an employer
Recruiters will especially be looking at the reasons you want to leave your current employer and how long you were with them. If you’ve had a series of short-lived positions you’ll need a convincing explanation of why a recruiter should take a risk on you.

12. Explain gaps in your employment history
Leaving a gap on your résumé leaves the recruiter wondering. If you’ve taken time out for parenting or starting your own business, tell them. If you’ve been traveling, show how it has enriched you as a candidate.

13. Exclude irrelevant information
Don’t reveal your state, race, gender, marital status, or whether you have kids,except you are asked. Research shows that even the most self-aware recruiters have unconscious biases.

14. Show your eligibility to work
Make it easy for a recruiter to be confident that you are eligible to work without having to apply for work permits.

15. Make it easy for the recruiter to contact you
Include contact details with your email and one phone number (don’t make the recruiter have to guess which number to use). 

16. Stick to a familiar format  for clarity
Make sure your formatting goes hand in hand with the CV structure to ensure recruiters can spot the key information easily.
Create clear sections with easy-to-read, consistent headlines. Use an attractive font, which is also easy to read. Don’t use Word templates. If your design skills are truly terrible get someone else to do the formatting for you.

17. Submit your CV in pdf format
Unless you are asked otherwise, send your CV as a pdf. This will ensure your formatting remains consistent on any device.

18. Spell-check and grammar-check
Obvious, perhaps, but surprisingly often spelling and grammar mistakes are what leads to a résumé being put in the reject pile. Use the past tense and third person, not first person consistently throughout your CV.

19. Check before you include a cover letter
Most cover letters are a waste of time. Either don’t bother, or, if the recruiter specifically requests one, make sure it says something meaningful.
Cover letters can be used as headlines, picking out the most relevant parts of a résumé. They can deal with issues the recruiter may be concerned about, such as a change of career direction. They can remind a recruiter about an occasion that gave them cause to trust or care about you.

20. Don’t write to the CEO
Unless you are applying to a tiny company, or you know the CEO personally, it is not the CEO who will be doing the initial screening. Don’t waste their time.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

13 Signs You And Your Partner are Compatible

No two people are perfect match by nature. It’s absolutely normal for you to feel difficult sometimes, especially when you find a number of big differences between you and your partner. But that does not mean you are not compatible with your partner necessarily. There’re also a number of very important factors which determine for how long your relationship can last. Below are the 13 signs for reference for you to see whether you and your partner are compatible.

1. You don’t question the love in your relationship
You know you love your partner, and you know they love you – and there is no doubt in your mind about either of these things. You are secure and happy in your relationship, and even if you are a worrier by nature, you never question how your partner feels about you.

2. You know things about each other no-one else does
From your embarrassing stories to intimate details about your life, sharing secrets can show how compatible you and your partner really are. Honesty is important in a relationship, but actually wishing to tell them secrets shows your partner that you are truly invested in the relationship.

3. You enjoy spending time apart

When you start a great relationship, it can be hard to step away and spend some time alone. If you and your partner hope to be in a long term relationship, however, it is essential that you also enjoy spending time away from your partner. During such time you can see friends and family, or pursue interests of your own. If you love yoga and your partner hates it, try to take a class in your spare time!

4. You share common interests
While it is important to have your own hobbies and interests, compatible partners make the effort to spend time together doing things they both enjoy. Having common ground with a partner helps in long term relationships – from supporting the same team, to cooking together, to sharing a love of the same TV show.

5. You fight with each other
And you’re not afraid of it! If you tell your partner you disagree with them, they should listen to you and take you seriously. If they still don’t agree with you, that’s totally fine – because it’s just a disagreement, and it won’t change the way you feel about each other.

6. You want to work out serious problems
Often big issues can be raised in long term relationships, including money, religion, or where you both live. Most issues like these can be solved if the partners are compatible and are willing to compromise. It is important to work together until you reach a decision you’re both happy with – and for both people to be happy, it is likely that both have to compromise.

7. Your partner makes you want to be a better person
Although this sounds like a cliché, compatible couples keep pushing each other forward. Whether you are learning how to cook a new dish, or getting a promotion at work, your partner should always have your back and support you, and vice versa.

8. You can both imagine a future together
While you don’t need to be picking out wedding invites, it is always useful to be on the same page as your partner. Having different interests isn’t a problem; your partner could love travelling and you could aspire to get married and have children,, and you can do both. But if your partner doesn’t want to talk about a future together, it might be that you have different expectations from the relationship.

9. You can be yourself around your partner
If you and your partner are compatible, you should be able to truly be yourself whenever you are around them. Whether you feel happy, hyper, sad or angry, you should be able to comfortably express these emotions to your partner, without worrying about the consequences.

10. You’re attracted to each other
While sex obviously isn’t everything, it’s important to be physically intimate with your partner. From holding hands to kissing, compatible couples regularly show each other affection. In other words – there should be a spark, even if it is small!

11. You try to get along with each other’s families
If you genuinely love your partner’s family, that’s a great sign. Being in love with someone doesn’t always have to mean you love their family, though. And it’s fine if you don’t – but it isn’t fine if you don’t even try. Most people come with a family, and if your partner is going to be in your life for a long time, their family probably will be too.

12. You keep your relationship fresh
Everyone in the world is ageing, but that doesn’t mean their relationships have to age, too. Often work, having children and other responsibilities can side-line your relationship. These responsibilities are important and shouldn’t be neglected, but put aside some time to focus on your partner. Your relationship should always feel important.

13. You make the effort
Whether you and your partner have been together for 9 months or 9 years, it is always important to make an effort, from cooking classes to a kiss at the end of the day. After a long time together it can feel like these things are no longer necessary, but this could leave your partner unhappy.

Compatible couples often go the extra mile as it shows their partner they care, and can help to make them feel appreciated.

How Short Guys Are Better in Relationships ;)

First of all.....Go down low!! *in olamide's voice* hahahahahah

Secondly i am short :) (Some people might contest this fact)

According to Medical Daily, those below 5-foot-7 were considered to be ‘short men’ in 2009, while those over 6-foot-2 were considered tall.
Height is often seen as the physical depiction of capability and strength and power. For the shorter man suffering from stigma of the Napoleon complex, it is a challenge to measure up in terms of appeal to women. This is a result of the notion that a majority of women have the desire to feel fragile, petite and protected by a ‘dominant’ man. Taller men make women feel smaller, which appeals to those who are self-conscious about their size and weight. 

If you have taken the leap and disregarded the dominating stigma surrounding shorter men, congratulations! You have made the right decision o!! For the other ladies read on. These are only a few of the reasons why short men make wonderful partners. 

1. They are dedicated to their relationships.
Without the ‘tall’ status, they will put much more effort into trying to impress their partner personality-wise rather than having to work with any physical traits. A study conducted by New York University researchers concluded that in general, shorter men assist with more housework than taller men, and what wins attraction points more than a man who shares kitchen duty? No woman is going to complain about a man putting in a little extra effort. 

2. Finance will be less of an issue.
79% of men shorter than their significant other also tend to earn higher income, according to Medical Daily. While it is never okay to be a gold-digger, it is a bonus to be able to split house-hold expenses. This equals a less stressful and more harmonious relationship. 

3. You won’t have to stay up wondering where they are.
Findings by the Medical Daily indicate that short men have an 18% lowered rate of marriage due to the social stigma surrounding their perceived lack of masculinity. However, to those who do marry, the divorce rate is only 32%. This means that while it is somewhat difficult for a short man to get married, if you are open enough to see past the height boundaries, then you have just married yourself a dedicated man. A match like you is hard to find and they won’t be so willing to let you go. 

4. Some women enjoy feeling like models.
When the guy accepts that he’ll be shorter than you no matter what, it’s highly doubtful that they’re going to care about you wearing those gravity-defying heels you’ve always wanted to wear. Supermodels are taller and thinner than the average woman, so here’s your chance to feel like one! 

5. They love you regardless of your height.
This could be one of the most surprising findings of all. According to Psychology Today, men do prefer to be taller than their partners, however they care less about the height stigma than women do. So if you are a woman stressing about whether or not being taller than your man will interfere with the relationship, then chances are you are overreacting. 

After reading these, are you thinking of getting a short man as your partner? Read below, even celebrities are doing so! 
From Jamie Cullen (5’5”) and Sophie Dahl (6’0”) to Katie Holmes (5’9”) and Tom Cruise (5’7”), We can all recall these famous examples of taller women taking the leap with shorter spouses. The stigma doesn’t even stop with A-list celebrities, with Cullen himself admitting that he initially saw no chance with Dahl when they first met due to his height. 

6 Ways to Get Your Dream Job Even if You are Underqualified

This article uses the word “under-qualified” in the title because that is how most job candidates view themselves when they see certain job postings. Perspective is a funny thing, especially when we look at ourselves. What makes a person qualified for a job? They have the skills the employer is looking for to do a particular job. How you define those skills is where someone who thinks they are under-qualified becomes qualified. Here are 6 common skills listed on a job description you possess but may not know about.

1. Analysis
In every job data is analyzed. Retail sales clerks analyze their sales for the week. Office Managers analyze budgets. Wait staff analyze their average check amount. If you see “Analysis” in a job description think hard about what you currently analyze, and put it on your CV.

2. Determine
Determining the outcome of a situation is how we live our lives. Say something rude to your girlfriend? You can determine that the odds are great you just started a fight. Is the place of business where you currently work slow at the beginning of every month? You can determine you will have to be more proactive at the beginning of the month to stay productive. Think about what situations take place in your current job and determine the outcome. Then put it on your CV.

3. Assist
Do you assist customers to find merchandise? Do you assist other departments to process their work flow? Do you assist your superior with their reports or their schedule? You probably assist people in many ways in your current job. You just call it “helping”. Think about who you assist and how, and then put it on your CV.

4. Excellent Communication Skills
If you have to collaborate with coworkers to accomplish any task and you consistently complete that task chances are you have excellent communication skills. This is a tricky skill to put on a CV though because unlike the skills above where your bullet point would actually start with the word “assisted” or “determined” communication is a skill you show through an action. It is not enough to say “communicated with a team of six our daily sales goal numbers”. This shows you communicated, but not that you communicated with “excellent communication skills”. In order to show excellent communication skills you have to go further. Your bullet point would read like this, “communicated with a team of six our daily sales goal numbers and consistently increased sales the following day by 10%”. The fact that you increased sales by 10% the following day is what shows the interviewer you have “excellent communication skills”.

5. Self Direction
Self direction can also be referred to as works independently. Is it your job to open the store? Do you complete tasks without a lot of direction? Have you ever started a project to make your department more efficient without being asked to? If you have, then put it on your resume.

6. Work Well in a Team Environment
Basically what this means is that you will not be working alone in a cubicle in the basement. This skill is a lot like “excellent communication skills” in the sense that you have to tell a story about how you work well with a team. There is a trick here however. A resume should always show what “you” did and not what “we” did. The company interviewing you is not hiring your old team. They are hiring you. You want to talk about your contribution to the team and how that contribution added value to the overall objective of the team or the project. You also have to think about how you define the word “team”. You may have been an individual sales person and competed with others in your office, but management saw you as a sales team. The teams overall objective was to produce sales. Your sales contributed to the overall goal. As a server in a restaurant you may have a section, but you are providing service as a team of servers to the overall restaurant, and yes you all are “selling” the food. Once you have identified the team in your current role you can identify your contribution and then put it on your resume.

7 Things to Make You One Of The Best Job Applicants

When you are facing your potential employers they are certain this you have to do for that long last impression to get you that job.Below are some of the 7 ,that when combined will give you that edge;

1. Focus on the employers’ needs, not yours.
When you sit down and talk with a potential employer about the available job, it’s important to show interest in the company and the job — not the benefits and salary you will get. Even if that’s what you’re most concerned about, it’s important to show you are interested in helping the company or organization succeed. Ask questions about the company and its goals. Look up the company online beforehand and understand the focus as well as the attributes you could bring to the role to help them succeed.

2. Be brief but informative.
Answer questions succinctly and thoroughly. Don’t expound for an hour on why you are the best person to operate the cash register. Answer questions, explain your answer if necessary and then move on. No one wants to hear how you met your boyfriend at your previous job but got in trouble for talking at the register and then had to quit because the manager was jealous and so on and so on. If the question is: “Are you comfortable operating a cash register?” Say, “Yes,” and move on.

3. Be flexible.
The last thing a potential employer wants to see is a job applicant with a long list of demands. This is not the time to say that you need to have every Tuesday afternoon off to take your mother to an appointment or how you need to be ready for your vacation in two weeks. If you want the job, show how much by being willing to show up early, work late and be flexible. If you demonstrate right from the beginning just how important you believe the job is and are willing to put yourself out there constantly, it is much more likely that your boss will approve if you do need a Tuesday afternoon off to take your mother to an appointment.

4. Be creative.
When you put your application together, treat it as part of the job for which you are applying. According to Colin Day, the founder and chief executive officer of iCIMS, Inc., a provider of talent acquisition software for growing businesses, you should look for keywords in the job description and use them in your application. Customize your application to each job for which you are applying.

5. Be sincere.

How much do you want this job? Really? Are you sure? Then say so. Go over the reasons you want this particular job in your head (or use note cards) ahead of time. Convince yourself. Convince a friend. Then go into the interview and convince the employer. Be active in your interview. Sound excited about the possibilities. Lean forward and ask questions about the potential for the position. If you want this job, go and get it.

6. Be honest — but not too honest. ;)
Assess yourself before applying for a job. What are your strengths and weaknesses? According to Ryan Kohler, the CEO of ApplicantPRO, “I’d a hundred times rather hire someone who is honest about their shortcomings and how they plan to improve vs. some automaton who tries to tell me they’re ‘too much of a perfectionist’ or ‘care too much.’” Be honest about your weaknesses. Are you impatient? Say so. Are you sometimes too emotional? Be honest. However, if you were fired from your last job for talking to much, you might want to leave that out.

7. Clean up your profiles.
Social media is prevalent in society now and it’s in your best interest to clean up your accounts before applying for a job. Your employers will look you up. Have a photo of you and bong online? Or topless at spring break? Perhaps you want to delete that before you apply for that job as a bank manager.

App That Can Solve Maths for You!!

This app goes out to all those who have been beefing mathematics for their headache ,failed result ,confusion  and down right depression. Help is here is the shape of an app, I give you...drum roll....PHOTOMATH!!

Introducing Photomath, an impressive app that does exactly that.

Point your phone at a math problem and Photomath will give you the answer. It also shows you the proper steps to take to arrive at complex solutions. Below are the supported features of the app:

The Photomath app is a breakthrough for everyone. Students can cut their homework time in half. Furthermore, individuals don’t need to hire an expensive math tutor.

Professionals such as consultants, engineers, and analysts may also find this app extremely beneficial. With Photomath, individuals can compute for data without relying on Excel equations.