Tuesday 20 January 2015

How Short Guys Are Better in Relationships ;)

First of all.....Go down low!! *in olamide's voice* hahahahahah

Secondly i am short :) (Some people might contest this fact)

According to Medical Daily, those below 5-foot-7 were considered to be ‘short men’ in 2009, while those over 6-foot-2 were considered tall.
Height is often seen as the physical depiction of capability and strength and power. For the shorter man suffering from stigma of the Napoleon complex, it is a challenge to measure up in terms of appeal to women. This is a result of the notion that a majority of women have the desire to feel fragile, petite and protected by a ‘dominant’ man. Taller men make women feel smaller, which appeals to those who are self-conscious about their size and weight. 

If you have taken the leap and disregarded the dominating stigma surrounding shorter men, congratulations! You have made the right decision o!! For the other ladies read on. These are only a few of the reasons why short men make wonderful partners. 

1. They are dedicated to their relationships.
Without the ‘tall’ status, they will put much more effort into trying to impress their partner personality-wise rather than having to work with any physical traits. A study conducted by New York University researchers concluded that in general, shorter men assist with more housework than taller men, and what wins attraction points more than a man who shares kitchen duty? No woman is going to complain about a man putting in a little extra effort. 

2. Finance will be less of an issue.
79% of men shorter than their significant other also tend to earn higher income, according to Medical Daily. While it is never okay to be a gold-digger, it is a bonus to be able to split house-hold expenses. This equals a less stressful and more harmonious relationship. 

3. You won’t have to stay up wondering where they are.
Findings by the Medical Daily indicate that short men have an 18% lowered rate of marriage due to the social stigma surrounding their perceived lack of masculinity. However, to those who do marry, the divorce rate is only 32%. This means that while it is somewhat difficult for a short man to get married, if you are open enough to see past the height boundaries, then you have just married yourself a dedicated man. A match like you is hard to find and they won’t be so willing to let you go. 

4. Some women enjoy feeling like models.
When the guy accepts that he’ll be shorter than you no matter what, it’s highly doubtful that they’re going to care about you wearing those gravity-defying heels you’ve always wanted to wear. Supermodels are taller and thinner than the average woman, so here’s your chance to feel like one! 

5. They love you regardless of your height.
This could be one of the most surprising findings of all. According to Psychology Today, men do prefer to be taller than their partners, however they care less about the height stigma than women do. So if you are a woman stressing about whether or not being taller than your man will interfere with the relationship, then chances are you are overreacting. 

After reading these, are you thinking of getting a short man as your partner? Read below, even celebrities are doing so! 
From Jamie Cullen (5’5”) and Sophie Dahl (6’0”) to Katie Holmes (5’9”) and Tom Cruise (5’7”), We can all recall these famous examples of taller women taking the leap with shorter spouses. The stigma doesn’t even stop with A-list celebrities, with Cullen himself admitting that he initially saw no chance with Dahl when they first met due to his height. 

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